Why an underdog like Daryl Celis keeps on winning?
Filipinos are very sympathetic. The judges and Daryl's fellow idol hopefuls have been bombarding Daryl with a battery of negative comments. Daryl on the other hand kept his quiet, modestly accepting and respecting the negative criticisms even to the point of his embarrassment. It's a typical Filipino attitude that Filipinos love to love.
Daryl is becoming to look like an outcast. He is aware that everybody wants him out. He is becoming the cause of elimination of the better contenders. On the other hand, Robby Navarro's elimination may make the other contenders jubilant for the reason that their greatest threat, who is also the judges' favorite, is now out of the game.
Maybe, if the judges and the idol hopefuls wanted Daryl to be eliminated, they should start saying nice things about him.
Did you know that as early as today, Daryl already has a web site. It's www.darylcelis.com.
How does Daryl sound? Here's his video and be the judge.
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