Atlantika is a kingdom of aquatic beings. These aquatizens are originally from a galactic planet who found a new home on earth but had to settle beneath the ocean because of their aquatic nature. They are stronger under the water. Their kingdom is built inside a dome powered by the "polaris". During the full moon, the polaris rises at ocean level as an island in order to be re-energized by the moon. After the full-moon phase, it descends back to Atlantika to energize the dome. What the mortal folks see when the Polaris rises is an island. They call this island "Luli", which means "lulubog, lilitaw" (descending, ascending). They have created several superstitious beliefs related to this island. Atlantika is ruled by a King with his Queen. It has a Maharlikan Council that administers the kingdom and its aquatizens called Atlantikans.
kapuso, kapamilya, kapatid, kadugo, katribo, kaulayaw, kamote, kalabaw