Amaya , the epic produced for TV by GMA Network, aired its last episode last Friday, January 13. One of the greater challenges of a writer is how to end a story well. The ending should leave the reader or audience satisfied. Otherwise, no matter how good the beginning and the flow of story were, if the ending isn't good, the whole story is not good at all. Good thing, Amaya ended well. It's ending is full of substance. I don't need to re-tell the story. You can catch the epic on DVD. Loose Extensions Aljur Abrenica as Dayaw Amaya rated high on TV. For that reason, it's season was extended, the story lines stretched. What I don't like about story extensions is that sometimes, the story looses its substance. In the extended season, it introduced a new character, Dayaw, played by Aljur Abrenica. Perhaps, his role could have been part of Lumad's story. Unfortunately, Mikael Daez's character as Lumad, was axed at the end of the season. If I were to...