"Itaktak Mo" is a novelty song composed by comedian/host Joey de Leon of Eat Bulaga. This started when a group of older women from the audience of Eat Bulaga was asked to dance. One of the women shouted "Itaktak mo!". Not understanding what it meant, Joey asked the woman, who asked the other woman to demonstrate. The woman did the dance step, which is similar to dribbling a basketball. The dance "Itaktak Mo" has three versions: Once choreographed for the EB Babes, a Sex Bomb version, and another choregraphed by the Abstract Dancers for the Starstruck 4. To listen to the music with a demo of the dance step, here's a link to youtube.com. The version below is by the Abstract/Starstruck version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ3jex4kZ7E
kapuso, kapamilya, kapatid, kadugo, katribo, kaulayaw, kamote, kalabaw